Sunshine Before The Dawn Free Pd
Sunshine Before the Dawn: A Spiritual Novel by Judy Satori
Sunshine Before the Dawn is a novel that tells the true story of why we're here on Earth. It is based on telepathic transmissions from higher dimensional beings of light who reveal the origins and purpose of humanity. The author, Judy Satori, is an energy healer and spiritual teacher who speaks and transmits a higher-dimensional Language of Light.
The novel begins around 100,000 years ago, when the Galactic Council of our Milky Way Galaxy meets on the star Antares to discuss a problem concerning Earth. They decide to create an upgraded version of the human being, with each of the Star Nations contributing an aspect of their genetic code to the new hu-man. 'Hu' is a sound that means God and it is determined by the Galactic Council that the new hu-man being of the Earth be a spiritual being, with the potential to evolve beyond the physical confinement of Earth and traverse all 12 dimensions of reality.
The main character, Essayenya, is a woman from the Galactic Council who comes from the fifth-dimensional star Sirius. She is tasked with the responsibility of working together with a team from Sirius and Lyra, as well as with the Elohim, the creator aspect of God, to create the new prototype hu-man to be seeded on Earth. Essayenya is in love with Mosteenya, the leader of the Galactic Council, who comes from 12th dimensional Lyra, but because of their dimensional differences they seem destined to remain apart. Essayenya and others of her team journey to Lyra to work with the Lyran women, who weave the Dreamtime Strands of Creation. Romance blossoms between Essayenya and Mosteenya, but it seems they can never be together, unless Essayenya comes to Earth, to take into her own soul DNA the new hu-man genetic code.
Sunshine Before the Dawn is an exciting, action-packed mystery and adventure story, but also includes much previously unknown spiritual information. It is a book for today's people and today's world, to help us all reconnect to our authentic soul truth and stand in the heart-centered power of who we really are.
If you are interested in reading this novel, you can purchase it as a soft cover or a digital download from[^2^], or access it for free as an e-book in PDF form in English, German, Polish or Japanese from within the Ascension Library[^1^]. You can also listen to a sample audio recording of Sunshine Before the Dawn on SoundCloud[^3^].In this novel, you will discover the secrets of the ancient past and the future destiny of humanity. You will learn about the Star Nations and their role in our evolution. You will witness the power of love and the challenges of duality. You will explore the mysteries of creation and the wonders of the multiverse. You will experience the joy of awakening to your true self and your divine potential.
Sunshine Before the Dawn is more than just a novel. It is a transmission of light and love that will activate your soul memory and inspire your heart. It is a gift from the higher realms to assist you in your personal and planetary ascension. It is a journey of discovery and transformation that will change your life forever.
Are you ready to embark on this adventure? Are you ready to meet your star family and remember who you really are? Are you ready to shine your light and share your love with the world? If so, then Sunshine Before the Dawn is the book for you. 061ffe29dd