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How to Learn Active Voice and Passive Voice in Tamil with PDF Download
Active voice and passive voice are two ways of expressing the same action or event in a sentence. In active voice, the subject performs the action stated by the verb. In passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb. For example:
She writes a letter. (Active voice)
A letter is written by her. (Passive voice)
Learning active voice and passive voice in Tamil can help you improve your grammar, communication and writing skills. In this article, we will explain the rules and examples of active voice and passive voice in Tamil with a PDF download that you can use for reference and practice.
Rules of Active Voice and Passive Voice in Tamil
In Tamil, active voice and passive voice are formed by changing the verb form and adding or removing the preposition ààà (by). The verb form depends on the tense, mood and aspect of the sentence. Here are some general rules for converting active voice to passive voice in Tamil:
If the verb is in simple present tense, add àªàà (is) before the verb and change it to àµààààààààà (past participle) form. Add ààà (by) after the object and change it to àµààààààààààààààªààªà (case marker) form.
If the verb is in present continuous tense, add àªààààààà (is being) before the verb and change it to àµààààààààà (past participle) form. Add ààà (by) after the object and change it to àµààààààààààààààªààªà (case marker) form.
If the verb is in present perfect tense, add àªàààà (has been) before the verb and change it to àµààààààààà (past participle) form. Add ààà (by) after the object and change it to àµààààààààààààààªààªà (case marker) form.
If the verb is in simple past tense, add àªààà (was) before the verb and change it to àµààààààààà (past participle) form. Add ààà (by) after the object and change it to àµààààààààààààààªààªà (case marker) form.
If the verb is in past continuous tense, add àªààààààààà (was being) before the verb and change it to àµààààààààà (past participle) form. Add ààà (by) after the object and change it to àµààààààààààààààªààªà (case marker) form.
If the verb is in past perfect tense, add àªààààààààà (had been) before the verb and change it to àµààààààààà (past participle) form. Add ààà (by) after the object and change it to àµààààààààààààààªààªà (case marker) form.
If the verb is in future tense, add àªà+verb+um before the subject and change it to à+verb+um form. Add à+verb+um after the object and change it to à +verb+um form.
If the verb is in future perfect 061ffe29dd